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analytics, insights
and decisions

We channel our obsession with analytics into your products, eliminating guesswork and bridging the gap from data to decisions. Bracketworks ensures that your business is empowered with the clarity and insights needed to thrive in the digital age.

data infrastructure

Data infrastructure is the backbone of effective data analytics. We help you establish a robust and scalable infrastructure for data collection, storage, and organisation. This forms the basis for streamlined analytics, ensuring you can extract valuable insights with.

data warehouse

Gone are the days when data warehousing was an enterprise only initiative. In today’s age of cloud, we help you implement a modern & scalable data warehouse at a cost effective price that enables secure storage and fast processing of your data, yielding quick results.

digital analytics &

digital analytics & tracking

With digital analytics & tracking, you gain the ability to peek behind the curtains of your digital presence. Understand how your audience interacts with your website or app, what catches their attention, and what drives conversions. By decoding user behavior, you can refine your digital strategies for maximum impact.

data visualization &

data visualization & storytelling

We tell the story behind your data through compelling dashboards and reports bringing your data to life. The result? Complex data made simple, leading to better communication, understanding, and decision-making within your organisation.

business intelligence

Business intelligence is your gateway to real-time data analysis. Uncover trends, spot opportunities, and make decisions based on a wealth of insights. With business intelligence, you can confidently drive your business forward.

data modeling, data integration
  and data engineering

data modeling, data integration and  data engineering

Achieve data harmony with our services in modelling, integration, and engineering. We help you structure and connect your data for a comprehensive view of your operations. This holistic understanding allows for informed and strategic decision-making.

marketing analytics

Optimise your marketing strategies through a deep understanding of campaign performance, customer segmentation, attribution, funnel analysis and return on investment.

product analytics

With product analytics, you can track product usage, user behaviour, and performance metrics. This information empowers you to make enhancements that meet user needs and drive product success.

CRM deployment

Boost customer relationships with our crm deployment service. We assist in implementing and optimising your Customer Relationship Management system, providing a 360-degree view of your customers. This results in improved customer interactions, increased loyalty, and better business outcomes.

machine learning

Leverage the potential of machine learning to predict, analyse, and automate with our machine learning service. Unlock insights and automation opportunities that can revolutionise your business operations and decision-making processes.